Saturday, January 12, 2008

New Year, New Motivation

I have digitized all my footage!!!! And I did accomplish my goal of getting a trailer together before I left for the holidays. However it is pretty slapdash, but I am eager to begin cutting together the larger piece, so at this point I am just going to move forward with that and say to hell with the trailer. It will be easier to distill a trailer from a larger piece anyhow. I think?

I am always looking for feedback though, so please do not hesitate to write me with any thoughts that you have about the movie from what you see in the trailer. What draws you in makes you curious and want to see more and what you don't like.

Currently, I am about neck deep into the long and arduous process of logging all of the tape now. I am already on tape 10 so not it's coming along, but I can't wait until all of that footage is just embedded in my brain so that I can just play around with it.

I am also very excited about fund raising in the upcoming year. I have gone to two workshops given by Morrie Warshaski this weekend on the subject of fund raising. He empowered me with the brand new knowledge that between 82 - 89% of all money given to independent filmmakers is given by individuals and not foundations!!!

Especially for emerging filmmakers such as yours truly. This is obviously not the sort of thing I am very comfortable with, but if I am serious about making a career out of making films, and since I am. That particular hang-up is something that I am just going to have to toss out. It is actually really exciting. In the upcoming year am ready to take some risks makes some mistakes, and make a lot of new friends.


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